
The Tablet

This March, the BC Pharmacy Association will launch a new advocacy program, in honour of Pharmacist Awareness Month, which each year celebrates and educates Canadians about the contributions that pharmacists make in the delivery of health care. 

The Tablet

Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at 21, Sean Williams became addicted to opioids after being prescribed oxycodone to manage the pain he experienced following several corrective surgeries. It took a caring pharmacist to…

The Tablet

Every month, the BC Drug and Poison Information Centre receives on average 230 calls regarding medication errors occurring at home.

The Tablet

The Tablet speaks with Darcy on pharmacy’s role in managing mental health and addictions issues.

The Hon. Judy Darcy has served as B.C.’s first and Canada’s only Minister of Mental Health and Addictions since July 2017. An MLA for New…

The Tablet
CEO Message: Geraldine Vance

Each decade seems to be marked by some event that is written into the history books – Expo 86, Y2K, the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. There is little doubt that for Canadians this decade will be marked…