From BC PharmaCare

PharmaCare is now providing exceptional coverage for Metadol® for opioid agonist treatment (OAT) while supply of Metadol-D® is constrained. As there is sufficient supply of Metadol, PharmaCare is currently accepting and processing Special Authority requests for exceptional coverage for new patients. If approved, coverage will be temporarily granted for both Metadol and Metadol-D.
Metadol is the same formulation as Metadol-D, but is not packaged with dilution instructions. Metadol unflavoured 10mg/mL solution must be diluted to 100mL with a suitable beverage (Tang, Crystal Light, etc.) prior to dispensing to an OAT patient.
Prescriptions for Metadol for OAT must specify “Metadol or Metadol-D”. Prescribers are aware of these requirements; if you receive a prescription for a new patient that does not specify both products, please contact the prescriber to clarify.
Ordering Information:
Drug | UPC | DIN |
Metadol 10mg/ml 100ml | 628791004603 | 02241377 |
For a list of OAT PINs and DINs, please visit the Ministry of Health PharmaCare OAT DINs & PINs page.