FNHA transitions to Plan W
On Oct. 1, 2017, all First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) patients became beneficiaries of the BC PharmaCare program. Medications and therapies prescribed by healthcare providers to FNHA patients will be filled under a new fully paid program, called Plan W.
BCPhA has hosted two webinars and a number of training sessions for pharmacists in communities that will be most affected. BCPhA is supporting its members to ensure a smooth transition for pharmacists and continuity of care for patients. Visit bcpharmacy.ca to review the webinars, read FAQs and other important information to ensure a smooth transition and to be mindful of culturally safe practices when serving FNHA patients.
Run to Quit helps patients form healthier habits
Pharmacists play a key role in helping patients quit smoking. The Canadian Cancer Society’s Run to Quit program helps participants stay motivated to quit smoking while helping them build skills and start new habits to maintain long-term health goals. Find out more at runtoquit.com or to get involved or order materials, email Lyz Gilgunn, Health Promotion Coordinator at lgilgunn@bc.cancer.ca.
Public funding for HPV vaccination expanded
This is the first year that HPV vaccines are publicly funded in BC for both Grade 6 boys and girls. Vaccination prior to sexual contact ensures the greatest protection against HPV infection. You can order the vaccine from your local health unit for patients who qualify for the publicly funded HPV9 vaccines.
When talking to your patients, remember these key messages for parents and guardians:
- Both males and females can carry the HPV virus, transmit the virus to others and develop HPV-related cancers and other diseases.
- Early vaccination assures the greatest protection against HPV infection and has been shown to be safe and effective for both males and females.
- The HPV9 vaccines are recommended and publicly funded for Grade 6 boys and girls.
Find out more information and eligibility requirements on the BC Centre for Disease Control's website, bccdc.ca.