At Sanofi, we chase the miracles of science to improve people's lives.
Sanofi is a global biopharmaceutical company committed to healthcare solutions from prevention to treatment. We turn scientific discoveries into medicine to improve health. Every day, we dedicate our most important resource, our people, to support patients and families through their health journey.
Since 1914, Sanofi’s Toronto facility has supported numerous scientific breakthroughs, including initial research for the discovery of insulin, produced antitoxin for diphtheria, and was an important partner in the eradication of polio in North America and smallpox around the world. Today, our Toronto Site produces poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccines, with plans to expand to include an influenza vaccine for seniors. Globally, Sanofi is committed to scientific research and collaboration with the broader public health community, seeking to conquer the challenges of today and the future. To fulfill our mission, Sanofi is actively involved in addressing funding, access, and distribution challenges that inhibit vaccinations in developing countries. Sanofi supplies 2.5 million vaccine doses to people every day, working relentlessly to develop new vaccines to enhance health and well-being worldwide.
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