Fall 2022 — Explore Articles

The Tablet

Trauma informed care, along with concepts such as cultural safety or harm reduction, are topics that have been gaining prominence in health care. These concepts focus on safety and engagement with our patients at the forefront of patient care delivery.

The Tablet

A flurry of activity accompanied the fall respiratory disease season in British Columbia with the launch of the Moderna Spikevax bivalent COVID-19 vaccine and the inaugural use of the ImmsBC vaccine booking system for flu shots. 

The Tablet

BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) has begun developing prescribed safer supply protocols. The first of these resources, Prescribed Safer Protocols: Fentanyl Patch, were released October 2022. 

The Tablet

I was born in Revelstoke, though that was never really my hometown. When I was 10 months old, I must have already travelled 10,000 kilometres because my father travelled a lot for his job with BC Hydro. 

The Tablet

On Oct. 19 and Oct. 20, the University of B.C.’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences held a pair of White Coat Ceremonies for pharmacy students, welcoming them into the profession. Third year students who did not get to receive an in-person ceremony…

The Tablet

L-R: College of Pharmacists of BC leadership team members Colin Wong, Director of Communications and Engagement, Heather Biggar, Deputy Registrar, and Suzanne Solven, Registrar and CEO.

The Tablet

In the midst of a primary health care crisis, B.C.'s Minister of Health announced broad changes that expand the scope of practice for pharmacists in British Columbia. These changes ranged from being able to adapt and renew prescriptions for more…

The Tablet

It is often the case opportunity comes knocking when least expected, and sometimes, at an inconvenient time. Over the course of my career I have seen this happen time and time again. 

And it is also true that in times of crisis,…

The Tablet

As we get closer to the end of yet another year, I am also met with the end of my term as president. It has been an amazing year to say the least. Not everything went exactly according to plan, but I think everybody can agree that this year has…

Charles Au is the Primary Care Clinical Pharmacist for the Fraser Northwest region. He completed his hospital pharmacy residency in 2012 and is also a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist. Prior to his current role, he worked as a pharmacist at…
The Tablet

The BC Pharmacy Association will have one new face joining the 2023 BCPhA Board of Directors and one returning Director. This year BCPhA members elected Kevin Chu, from Richmond and Gary Go, from Vancouver.

The two elected Board members…