Minor Ailment and Contraception Service (MACS) portal for pharmacists

Welcome to the Minor Ailment and Contraception Service prescribing resource portal

On June 1, 2023, B.C.'s pharmacists saw the largest change in scope of practice in decades. Pharmacists are now able to prescribe for minor ailments and contraception.

This page provides you to links for resources, videos, FAQs, educational modules and more.


A listing of the latest updates and changes in the program

MACS Education & Resources

Links to Education on MACS.


Q&As for pharmacists about prescribing for minor ailments and contraception


Interviews with pharmacists in Ontario on prescribing for minor ailments.


Access to medSask’s resource “Minor Ailment and Self Care Guidelines” for pharmacists. Free for pharmacists and pharmacy students in good standing with the College of Pharmacists of B.C.

In-Pharmacy Posters

Downloadable posters for pharmacies 

MACS Provincial Appointment Scheduler

Information on MACS appointment scheduler.

Pharmacies without ImmsBC access can request it here.