Does your DNA hold the key to preventing adverse drug reactions?

February 22, 2018 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Begbie Hall at the Royal Jubilee Hospital – 2101 Richmond Rd (Woodward Room), Victoria BC
Genome BC

Is understanding your DNA key to preventing adverse drug reactions?

Genomics may hold the key to preventing adverse drug reactions, through a field of study also known as pharmacogenomics.

Learn about pharmacogenomics from three different perspectives: Adriana Suarez-Gonzalez (Manager, GenXys Health Care Systems), Bryce Wong (General Manager of RxOme Pharmacogenomics Canada, BC Pharmacy Association) and Amani Saini (President and Founder, Adverse Drug Reaction Canada.)

This event is free and open to the public and will offer a question and answer period after the talks.

Genome BC is proud to organize science forums at no cost but we depend on your attendance. Please be sure you can attend before registering or contact us at or 1 (604) 675-1021 should you need to cancel.

Note: Registration will begin at 5:00 PM/ Talk will start at 5:30 PM

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Registration Information

To register, please visit the Genome BC website.