Community Pharmacy Manager Training Program

Approached by the College of Pharmacists of BC to develop a new training program for community pharmacy managers that would help guide pharmacy managers in their role, the BC Pharmacy Association is currently offering the B.C. Community Pharmacy Manager Training Program, an accredited, online program designed to equip pharmacy managers and pharmacists planning to become managers with the most up-to-date regulatory requirements. Enroll today at

B.C. Community Pharmacy Manager Training Program

On June 15, 2018,  the College of Pharmacists of BC approved Professional Practice Policy-69 mandating that all British Columbia pharmacy managers must take training so they understand all responsibilities of their role especially for new pharmacy managers.

The College approached the BC Pharmacy Association to develop a new training program for community pharmacy managers that would help guide pharmacy managers in their role. Called the  B.C. Community Pharmacy Manager Training Program, the program is designed to equip pharmacy managers and pharmacists planning to become managers with the most up-to-date regulatory requirements. The role of a pharmacy manager holds significant responsibilities as outlined in the legislative requirements.

The program, a self-paced three-part course, includes: 

  • Part 1 reviews the College’s legislative requirements as it pertains to the pharmacy manager’s role
  • Part 2 describes general fiduciary responsibilities and management skills
  • Part 3 discusses general workplace rights and B.C. employment standards

It is CCCEP accredited for a total of four Continuing Education Units including assessment.

This course was recently refreshed on July 11, 2024. The course is now accredited for 5.0 CEUs.


This program is CCCEP accredited for 5.0 CEUs
CCCEP Number: 1092-2024-3829-I-P, expires July 11, 2025
Course author: BC Pharmacy Association

Registration Information

The course is $175 plus GST.

Once your enrollment for this course is complete, you will receive an enrollment email to confirm the course availability. 

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Who should take this program?

This program is for pharmacists who are managers of community pharmacies and or for those pharmacists wishing to become a pharmacy manager. Even if you are not a pharmacy manager, and are interested in the role, you can still take this course.

Why should pharmacy managers take this program?

The College of Pharmacists of BC have recently released a new professional practice policy PPP-69 which mandates that all pharmacy managers must undergo this training. As per PPP-69 “Pharmacy Managers have distinct and extensive responsibilities that are beyond those of general registrants. All pharmacy managers have a responsibility to educate themselves with respect to their obligations under the PODSA and PODSA bylaws.”

Taking the Program

When does it need to be completed?

As per PPP-69, the program is mandatory as of September 1, 2018. Existing pharmacy managers will have up to September 1, 2019 to complete the course. For new pharmacy managers, they will have up to one year to complete the course upon appointment.

Is there an assessment and what is the passmark?

After reviewing the program, you must complete an assessment. The assessment is comprised of 40 questions. A pass mark of 75% (30/40 correct answers) must be achieved for successful completion. Thereafter, you will receive a statement of completion. The program can be counted towards your yearly professional development learning requirements.

How often do I need to take the online training program?

Every community pharmacy manager must complete the training program every 3 years from the date of initial completion. With the pharmacy profession continuously evolving, updates or changes to bylaws and policies may be required.  This training program will be continuously updated and aligned with the College amendments and new frameworks. To ensure pharmacy managers are kept up-to-date with these ongoing changes, pharmacy managers, whether existing or new, will be required to review this program every 3 years.

Course Completion

After completion, do I still have access to the training program?

Yes, you will be able to access the training program at any time with your login details.

How will the College know I have completed the online training program?

After successfully completing the program and assessment, you are required to self-declare by updating your account on the College of Pharmacists of BC’s e-Services account by checking the attestation box.

Approached by the College of Pharmacists of BC to develop a new training program for community pharmacy managers that would help guide pharmacy managers in their role, the BC Pharmacy Association is currently offering the B.C. Community Pharmacy Manager Training Program, an accredited, online program designed to equip pharmacy managers and pharmacists planning to become managers with the most up-to-date regulatory requirements. Enroll today at