
The Tablet

By Sally Ginson Duke, BSc(Pharm), ACPR Lucy Lin, B.Sc. (Pharm), R.Ph

The Tablet

Pharmacist Jeff Ho (centre, in striped) with seniors of the Canadian Association of Retired Persons' (CARP) Vancouver Island Chapter on Feb.15, 2023.

The Tablet

As part of outreach efforts for Pharmacy Appreciation Month, members hosted provincial leaders including several B.C. cabinet ministers to tour their pharmacies and learn more about the upcoming prescribing for minor…

The Tablet

By Angie Gaddy Communications director, BCPhA

Pharmacist Ahmad Ghahary has always known he wanted to help the most marginalized and in need members of society. After seeing many types of pharmacy practice on…

The Tablet

By Michael Mui Communications Manager, BcPhA

A decade of growing costs, an aging resident population, an increasingly complex set of services, and withstanding some of the worst a worldwide pandemic could muster;…

The Tablet

By George Cloete, BPharm MSc

Prescribing for minor ailments in community pharmacy is long overdue for British Columbia and it is time pharmacists are recognized for the wealth of knowledge we already have.