Media Inquiries
To connect with a BC Pharmacy Association spokesperson for comments on issues, news releases or for general media inquiries, please contact:
Angie Gaddy
Executive Director, Communications
(604) 542-3251
To connect with a BC Pharmacy Association spokesperson for comments on issues, news releases or for general media inquiries, please contact:
Angie Gaddy
Executive Director, Communications
(604) 542-3251
Media Release July 18, 2016 -- The BC Pharmacy Association (BCPhA) will expand its pharmacogenomics project to cities across Canada this fall, thanks to significant funding from Green Shield Canada (GSC). The “Genomics for Precision Drug Therapy in the Community Pharmacy” project examines the potential for community pharmacies to provide DNA-specific medication advice in order to optimize drug therapy outcomes for patients. Phase one of the project involved 33 community pharmacists in BC who recruited 200 volunteer patients to provide saliva samples, with funding from BCPhA and Genome BC...
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