
Media Information / Media Kit

Media Inquiries

To connect with a BC Pharmacy Association spokesperson for comments on issues, news releases or for general media inquiries, please contact:

Angie Gaddy
Executive Director, Communications
(604) 542-3251

Media Releases

– BCPhA Response to B.C. Government Retail Framework for Non-Medical Cannabis

The BC Pharmacy Association (BCPhA) applauds the B.C. Government’s decision to make a clear distinction between non-medical cannabis and medical cannabis by ensuring retailers selling recreational products can’t label their businesses pharmacies.

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– Life-saving Naloxone kits available for free in B.C. community pharmacies

In an announcement today, Judy Darcy, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions stated the province would put life-saving naloxone kits into the hands of people at risk of overdose or likely to witness an overdose at community pharmacies throughout B.C.

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– BCPhA position statement on cannabis

The federal government plans to legalize recreational cannabis in July 2018. On September 25, 2017, the government of British Columbia announced a public engagement process on the distribution and sale of small amounts of recreational cannabis. So far, the federal government has indicated it will maintain two separate channels for cannabis: one for medical use and one for recreational use. The BC Pharmacy Association is pleased the government is moving in this direction. We continue to believe all medical cannabis should be regulated by Health Canada like any other controlled substance or...

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– Pharmacogenomics: The Future Is Here

Your DNA can hold the key to whether your medication works for you. More than 60 community pharmacies in British Columbia are now offering this service to patients.

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– Community Pharmacists Say No to Flu by providing frontline access to flu shots

Media Release October 26, 2017 -- The 2017-2018 flu season is being described by health officials as one of the worst flu seasons to hit, especially to those in high-risk groups. In an effort to provide flu vaccines, community pharmacies across B.C. have been preparing for a significant number of flu shots required to meet patient demand. Over 550,000 people received a flu shot from their pharmacist in 2016-2017, an increase of 27 per cent over the previous year. The BC Pharmacy Association predicts a similar, if not increase, in the number of flu shots for the 2017-2018 season. Kicking off...

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